What teachers say...
Since January 2022, our online platform with its down-loadable, curriculum-aligned lesson plans, have been used by:
• Teachers 425
• Schools 357
• Learners reached 58 459
But, says an urgent new report, the world needs many, many more schools to follow suit!
Why NBE?
Nature-Based Education is about the development of core values beginning with our duty to care for ourselves, each other, the animals that share life’s journey and the environment at large.

Quote from a Principal
“In the months that learners in Grade 7HS received humane education every week, their marks for Life Orientation improved by a full 20% which reflects their amazingly improved ability to express themselves, to read, write and discuss issues intelligently, and to think creatively. What humane education achieved for these learners is remarkable.”
Tony Austen, former principal of Golden Grove Primary School
Research and Development : University Level
University of the Western Cape Presentation
This presentation was given to post-graduate students in the Department of Anthropology & Sociology, University of the Western Cape, as part of Animals, Society and the Environment, in September 2021.

Farm Animal Voice
Nature-Based Education (formerly Caring Classrooms) reaches an international audience with the publication of our work in the Summer 2021 issue of Farm Animal Voice, official mouthpiece of Compassion in World Farming.

In Search of Empathy
Research on “The Link between Animal Abuse and Human Violence” gives insight into the domino effect of animal abuse.
The process begins when children, who are repeatedly exposed to abuse and degradation become desensitised.
Please make a contribution to our efforts to raise human consciousness so that the animals in our care can lead healthy lives in accordance with the Five Freedoms for Animals
Your donation is tax deductible!
For every donation, The Humane Education Trust will issue a Section 18A Tax Certificate for you to hand in to SARS.